I would think that your illness is definitely not getting any better, perhaps getting worse, and that you seriously need professional help very soon.
Joe Grundy
JoinedPosts by Joe Grundy
Have I changed?
by I-follow-the-narrow-path inyesterday my ex-boyfriend came into town, several months ago who moved away and we had to break off our relationship.
the relationship was rocky; however, before he was going to move, so it was easy to let him go.
we reconciled as he was away and we are good friends.
Lets start our own urban Legend
by loosie inok this was suggested on another thread.
lets start our own jw urban legend.. attention all you story tellers out there.
lets make this good.. i will email it to all i know.
Joe Grundy
Will the pigeon be resurrected as a reward for its missionary work? And the guide dog?
Lets start our own urban Legend
by loosie inok this was suggested on another thread.
lets start our own jw urban legend.. attention all you story tellers out there.
lets make this good.. i will email it to all i know.
Joe Grundy
One day the late Pope, John Paul 2, decided to phone George Dubya. He knew that George Dubya had a direct line to God, and he needed the number so he could discuss a few issues that were troubling him.
Well, believe it or not, having got God's number, John Paul misdialled and got through to JWs Brooklyn. When he said he wanted to speak direct with God, the switchboard put him through to a member of the GB. John Paul was so impressed by what the GB guy told him, he decided to become a JW and bring in the whole Roman Catholic church with him (and all their money).
But Satan found out about this and killed John Paul before he could finalise things.
How many of the 50 states have you seen?
by AK - Jeff in.
have you got a favorite place in the states - a special part of them you would like to call home if you could?.
Joe Grundy
Three: Illinois (but only to fly into Chicago), Wisconsin (spent a couple of weeks working, mainly based in La Crosse, but also in some rural bits - went to find Garrison Keillor's cabin - and a few days in Madison) and Minnesota (just a drive through the western border - ?Red Wing).
Really liked La Crosse, and think I could have lived there, or Madison, perhaps. Still have friends in La Crosse, but haven't seen them for a few years.
How To Make Espresso--By The Faithful And Discreet Slave
by under_believer in1. go to http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/diagram_01.htm.
2. read instructions.
as they wisely point out at the related page, http://www.watchtower.org/library/g/1997/11/8/article_01.htm: "your perseverance, however, will pay off when you delight your friends with espresso drinks that rival those in your local coffee shop.
Joe Grundy
Can anyone provide the scriptural references to back-up the WTBTS advice? Did Paul or Jesus or anyone pronounce on instant/drip/espresso? I think we should be told. And what about the Mormons' view on coffee?
The showy display of one's "friendliness" at the Kingdom Hall
by truthseeker ini recently read the elder's manual, from the rexamine.org website.. there is an interesting article on how elder's train ministerial servants to "greet" people at the doors.
they are told to be friendly to the those in attendance and to arrive early and stay late to associate with the friends.. in other words, it would seem that the friendliness shown by elders and servants at the halls is more of a duty than a desire to get to know the brothers and sisters.. many times, elders and servants have been enthusiastic to me in their greetings only, but rarely stop to engage in conversation.
they are not interested in people, only an outward appearance of friendliness, which bolsters the image of the org as having genuine love..
Joe Grundy
This happened to me the first two times i went - although i was a 'guest' of my JW friends.
Last time I went '(memorial)' wore jeans, an FBI polo shirt, and had a cigarette outside. The difference was noticeable.
Bethel Downsizing Spin
by Cellist inthere's an article on e-watchman giving the latest spin.
i don't know how to cut and paste, but i hope everyone goes and checks it out.
it is truly nauseating.
Joe Grundy
My impression as an outsider is that they are liquidating assets in NY and reorganising their corporations to redistribute those assets toother jurisdictions.
If they are sending many people from HQ to their missionary work, it will be interesting to see how many new converts the extra missionaries will produce.
Anyone know about 'cutting'?
by love2Bworldly ini am researching cutting and self-mutilation because i have a close family member who is doing this--she burned her arm last week and it's bad.
i was wondering--i found an article on the internet that talks about support for the person and how some people get relief by using other methods like icing the skin with ice cubs or flicking themselves with rubber bands.. this person is in therapy and in the care of a psyciatrist too but i just wondered how common this is.
her diagnosis isn't even for sure--could be adhd or depression.. any comments on experience with this would be helpful.
Joe Grundy
Self-harm is far, far, more common than most people realise. It affects people from all walks of life, in varied circumstances, etc.
A lot of people can't cope with other people's distress or illness. If they ask the question 'How are you?' they only want to hear 'Fine, thanks'.
The 'Fine, thanks' response is a standard response for those who really mean 'I'm desperate, please help me'. One day, I hope, we'll all get better at recognising and responding to cries for help.
Excommunication is good!!!!
by I-follow-the-narrow-path inwhile talking to my teacher today we talked about excommunication.
i told her i thought it was mean to not talk to those members which have been excommunicated.
she told me; however, that those who leave the church should be punished.
Joe Grundy
Dear Elizabeth
I am not, and never have been, a JW. I have no personal grudge against them, or flag to wave on their behalf (wrong illustration, perhaps, but I hope you know what I mean). From what I have found out about them, I believe JWs to be a very controlling cult which has caused a great deal of harm and damage to very many people over many years.
I am not a bible student, a theologian, or whatever, and most JWs (or people of other religions/denominations/cults/sects/whatever) could outquote me easily. But I was a police officer for 30 years (mostly as a detective, and rising to senior rank), and I DO know how to investigate. (I also, sadly, know quite a bit about abuse in all its forms from a professional point of view). I have brought those investigative experiences and skills to bear on JWs, firstly out of general interest in comparing religions and latterly out of concern for some people who I care for. What I have found has concerned me greatly, and what I have read of people's experiences with JWs has made me deeply saddened and angry.
I regret now that I didn't go to a few Kingdom Hall meetings before I retired. Why? Because having read on this site some of the experiences of children being physically abused for not sitting still, I can promise you that if I had seen such a thing happening two things would have happened immediately. 1. I would have immediately seized the child (as UK law permits) and it would have been taken to a 'place of safety' pending social services intervention. 2. The abuser would have been arrested there and then (handcuffed if necessary) and probably charged with assault. I did this on other occasions in other locations, and nowhere but nowhere is exempt. It is to my shame, and for me to answer for, that I didn't know these things occurred within JWs and so did nothing about them.
I have a daughter slightly older than you. You have mentioned your Dad. If you have a good relationship with him, can I just suggest that you discuss all of this with him? If he loves and cares for you, his main concern will be that you are happy and come to no harm. Invite him to look at this site with you. Ask him for his advice. He may see things that you don't - you may see things he doesn't. But by discussing issues with someone you trust at least you will perhaps have more confidence in whatever decision you make.
How old were you when you were baptized?
by moomanchu in.
reading hellriders topic made me wonder about this.. i waited till i was 21 because i was drinking alcohol as a youth and didn't want to get baptized while breaking the law.
man that is screwed up, seemed reasonable at the time.
Joe Grundy
I have previously posted about my concerns for my JW neighbours, especially the children.
What's the MINIMUM age JWs baptise children (if there is one)? Does this vary in different countries?